Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today was unremarkable.

I woke up, I drove the kids to school, I spotted a bulldog with no balls.

Honestly, I'm not sure if it actually was a bulldog with no balls or a female bulldog (think that's a cowdog) but certainly with those display-cabinet bow legs and nothing hanging between 'em - something didn't seem right.

I went to gym for just over an hour - did something in the region of 650 cal apparently - that was what I calculated to = approx. 2 slices of the banana bread I planned to bake and eat later + one third of of a medium chocolate bar).

Baked aforementioned banana cake.

Note to self:
Don't bother using mini loaf tins again for 4 reasons:
a) they are hard to grease.
b) you either have to have 2 sets or do 2 rounds of baking.
c) you will overfill them expecting to open the oven and see 4 perfect little risen loaves when what you will get is a mess of slop that overflows and burns itself all over the inside of your oven. d) they don't come out clean and you'll just have a big pile of large chunks of banana cake which you won't want to waste so you will eat most of them and then feel guilty because you've way overshot the precautionary 650 cal you did at gym. And there's still that chocolate bar.

Chatted on the phone (interrupted by damn baking timer going off every few minutes), argued with H, went shopping, got a headache, took a pill, took a nap, told a little lie, watched a TV show, fed the animals, made a spaghetti sauce and a casserole, took 3 bridge quizzes, went to school AGM, had one of my dinners, watched another show ...

Geez - is that really my life?! Ha ha!

Worst things about today

Felt extreme empathy for C who has recently had really horrible news. You know, if that is my life (above) and if it seems pathetic, I am still grateful for every ordinary, healthy moment - every moment not touched by tragedy or fear.

After that I really can't say anything else.

Best things about today

Every ordinary, healthy moment.

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