Monday, May 19, 2008


I won't vent. Much. There are many, many arseholes in this world (who make me want to vent angrily), and for every arsehole there's an ass and every ass is behind a ... well you get the idea. I'm just saying, there are bunches of derfwads in this world (and I don't exactly know what that is or how to spell it but I'm using that word to collectively describe all those body parts we personify and call each other when we're ticked off), but there are also lots of more lovely body parts making up the human species. I have decided that what I write here must help me gain a better perspective on the body of work that is Humanity and I hope that in gaining a less "crotchal" perspective (it's ok - I know that's not a word) I will see more more hearts, more hands, more brains and more funny bones in future. Fewer arseholes.

Worst thing that happened today:
Ag you know nothing much bad happened today. H took my car, which was frikkin' annoying only because I spent 20 minutes looking for my keys when I need only have looked out the door to see if my car was there.

Someone vomited a little bit on the stairs.

Hair was flat today. I didn't say it was your classic BAD hair day. It was just ... nyeaa ... flat.

Best thing that happened today:
I woke up without a headache and that hasn't happened for the last four days. (yeah!)

But even better - heard great things about D from teacher. Yay and frikkin yippee is all I can say! Nothing could make me happier right now so ... gaaaa, thinking back it WAS a bloody excellent day. (I know the "gaaaa" was lame, but it was what I heard myself saying - just can't spell it).

Oh and I pretended I hadn't seen the vomit on the stairs and after a while it ... disappeared! I'm thinking a) H dealt with it b) one of the empregadas dealt with it probably with a sour face c) one of the dogs ate it d) I wish I hadn't thought that because it just made me feel SICK.

1 comment:

Vanilla Ghost said...

Ha ha, wow. What a day... :) lol. I'm hoping someone delt with that...yeah...on the floor :S Don't sound too good :/
Alright, then. Good start :)
Check ya later.
